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Maths with Mindfull Tutoring

We promote the skills to investigate, manipulate, interpret, explain and make sense of mathematics at Mindfull Tutoring.

Primary School and Intermediate School Mathematics

Mathematics lessons for Primary (Years 1-6) and Intermediate (Years 7-8) students are aligned with the New Zealand Curriculum.

We teach a mixture of knowledge and strategies. Teachers teach number knowledge (such as number identification, ordering and sequencing numbers, basic facts and place value) alongside a range of strategies to help solve a variety of mathematical problems. Multiplication tables are taught in such a way that students understand their meaning and relationship to one another, and practiced thoroughly in order to ensure their memorization and immediate recall.

Further detail:

  • An appropriate range of strategies are taught and set in contextual problems which students can understand and relate to. This allows them to broaden their understanding of how mathematical knowledge will benefit them in real life situations.
  • An appropriate amount of time (for the student’s year level) is spent on the strands of geometry, measurement, statistics and algebra.
  • Students who are sitting ICAS exams can work on both the mathematical and examination taking techniques and skills during sessions. 

Secondary School Mathematics - Years 9 and 10

Junior high school students are encouraged to form a solid foundation of number knowledge. They work their way through a range of exercises, set texts, past exams and assessments. Once students have this platform, they have a good baseline to work from,  and can enjoy the feeling of experiencing success as they build confidence and accuracy. 

Students cover all of the strands (geometry, measurement, algebra and statistics) in a year of study. 

Tutors strongly encourage students to bring in their school course outline so that lessons can be aligned with topics at school.

Secondary School Mathematics - NCEA and Cambridge

Our secondary programmes are designed to align with senior high school students’ mathematical learning in the classroom. Lesson planning is derived from NCEA assessment standards, and the New Zealand Curriculum. 

Students build on their understanding and classroom notes through the use of different set texts, models from tutors, past exams and internal assessments. Tutors form relationships with students, and coordinate learning with course outlines in order to work alongside seniors to support their maths learning throughout the year.  

Learning is mapped out for the year to ensure there is time to cover both the internal and external assessments.

Claire and her team at Mindfull Tutoring are fabulous and passionate about enhancing a child’s learning. My daughter went from disliking maths because it didn’t make sense to absolutely loving Algebra! My son who has challenges when it comes to learning is making good progress and is enjoying his lessons. Claire and her tutors are professional, great communicators and excellent teachers. Mindfull Tutoring is by far the best tutoring service around!

Sandra Stark

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Maths with Mindfull Tutoring?